YourKynetec is a closed market research community.
In order to become a member of our panel and to participate in yourkynetec surveys, you can either apply for a membership here, or you can be invited by another panel member (this function might not be available all the time).
In the registration form, please note that you must enter an email address at which you can be reached regularly. Please also note that one registration per member is permitted in order to prevent a falsified sample. If we notice that you have registered under more than one email address (e.g. under a false name), you will no longer be a member of yourkynetec and your points will expire without any claims.
Once you have submitted the registration form, one of our community administrators will review your application, and will get in touch with you to continue the registration process.
However, we are not obliged to accept you as a member.
As a member, you are obliged to complete the surveys without the influence of third parties. Furthermore, the questionnaire is intended exclusively for you as a member, i.e. the content of the survey is intended only for you and not for third parties.
YourKynetec determines who is allowed to participate in which studies, since it is possible that you do not fit into the target group due to certain selection criteria. If the number of community members that could participate in the survey is too large, the choice which community members can participate in the survey will be done randomly.
Surveys usually include a short screening section before the actual interview starts. We are and will do our best to keep this section as short as possible.
Even if you might not qualify for the actual survey you are not wasting your time completing these questions, as answering these questions will help us to further improve our pre-survey respondent selection process (we will know in advance whether you qualify for a specific study or not – this will improve over time).